11 tactical steps to overcome procrastination

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Course structure

  1. Thoughts

This is the part where everything you see, feel and hear in the present moment is connected to your past experiences. As a result, thoughts are formed and they take place randomly and spontaneously. So you better carry around a notebook to write down all your valuable thoughts.

  1. Intensity of information

When it comes to the process that generates thoughts, we can count numerous thoughts which are not so relevant. The purpose of analyzing the intensity of information is strictly related to how powerful a thought can be. The more powerful a thought is, the more it can help you. Basically, before having a powerful belief, we have a powerful thought. And when that powerful thought is put into practice, it can become a powerful belief - either positive or negative.

  1. Desire

Desires may not always be present in our lives. Also, desires are not always connected to how powerful a thought is, but to how much we want something in our lives. If you manage to connect a desire to a powerful thought, then the research part should feel effortless.

  1. Research

In order to get from thoughts to actions, you need to get yourself practical. It's not always easy - most of it may feel overwhelming (unless the desire is intelligently connected to a powerful thought). The process of research is all about finding as much information as you can about what you want to do and make sure that information is really specific. Don't look for practical information - it will be your job to develop practical activities connected to this information. The research part it's all about finding enough information so you can get to the next step.

  1. Clarity

When your research is done, organize the information you found as simple as you can. Get it into categories, use post-its, or whatever method you find easier to implement. Right after that, when everything is organized, you should have a feeling of success. If not, you may have to start again, as in go back to step 01. and pick another thought. But don't rush into it. First, before erasing everything you've done, try to understand why the feeling of success is lacking and see if the result behind your expectations is in your control. It will help you understand yourself better and make the road to practicality easier to pursue.

  1. Create the plan

The plan is nothing more than a specific breakdown of all your thoughts into actions. The more specific you can get yourself to think about something, the more specific you'll be able to create the plan. After all, an action is nothing more than a thought put into action.

  1. Struggle

Having a plan doesn't always mean that you will be successful. And being successful is what you should be looking for. Your plan may have different paths with a different amount of steps and it's your responsibility to struggle so you can discover what works and what doesn't work. Eventually, you will become successful. It's just a matter of time and of how well you can connect what worked inside all of your paths.

  1. Success

This is the first indicator that you're on the right path and you are approaching a direction that fits your needs. You know it's a success when the thing you want to achieve is somehow showing up really clearly.

  1. Clarity

The feeling behind this clarity is different than the feeling behind the clarity that we discussed previously at the 5th step. This should be related to the success you just had and how that success makes you feel. If it feels right, then you can go further. If it doesn't feel like the success you are looking for, you can advance back to the 1st step and do things again, but following a slightly different route.

  1. Thoughts (step 1) OR Choose a path

A. Advance back to Thoughts (1st step). The whole process you just went through until now has to be redone. Just pick a different thought that you want to get practical about and restart the whole thing. Just be patient.

B. Choose a path. There are three important types of paths when it comes to something that you have already found successful. You can monetize it, you can make it part of your lifestyle or you can help others with it. Of course, all these paths have common points, but you have to choose one that's going to have more priority than others.

  1. Create the plan

This is more of a review than a new process of building.

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11 tactical steps to overcome procrastination

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